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Paquito Bernard, PhD

    • Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Activity Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal
    • Researcher, Research Center of Montreal Mental Health University Institute


Paquito Bernard earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Kinesiology and Health Psychology from the University of Montellier (France). After being Adapted Physical Activity professional in psychiatry department, he improved his research experience at University Hospital of Montpellier (France) to examine the effects of exercise and behavioral change techniques for smoking cessation in adults with current depressive disorders by carrying out a randomized controlled trial. He completed post-doctoral training in Psycho-oncology laboratory at Université de Laval (Canada). In July 2016, he joined the faculty in the Department of Physical Activity Sciences at the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada).

His research activity focuses on the effects and mechanisms of physical exercise on mental health in adults with mental disorders or chronic illness; and psychological factors associated with initiation-maintenance of health behavior changes (i.e., physical activity, smoking cessation, sleep and sedentary). Paquito Bernard’s work is at the intersection of physical activity sciences, health psychology and public health.

More is different

« We each should cultivate our own valley, and not attempt to build roads over the mountain ranges … between sciences. Rather, we should recognize that such roads, while often the quickest shortcut to another part of our own science, are not visible form viewpoint of one science alone »

Anderson. P (1977) Science

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  1. henckel permalink
    30/05/2017 2:27

    Demande de renseignements

    Bonjour monsieur,
    Je me permets de vous contacter de la part de monsieur Lentin Grégory.

    Actuellement aide-soignant en service de psychiatrie sur l’hôpital de Toulon.

    Je suis en attente des résultats pour valider une Licence STAPS « APAS » ainsi qu’une formation d’éducateur à la santé « ETP ».

    Travaillant sur l’élaboration d’un programme d’ ETP « APAS et santé mentale », je suis à la recherche d’études, de parutions sur les bien-faits « de l’APA en santé mentale ».

    Ce projet sera présenté à mon chef de pôle ainsi qu’à l’Agence Régionale de Santé.

    Par avance merci

    M HENCKEL Lionel

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